Léonard Moulin
Researcher at Ined

I am a tenured researcher at the Institut National d’Études Démographiques (Ined) in the research unit economic demography (UR9).
Having graduated from both the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan and the Paris School of Economics, I defended my PhD in economics in 2014, focusing on the effects on tuition fees in French higher education. This thesis was awarded the Jean-Claude Eicher prize 2017 from AJCEDU, the Edgard Milhaud prize 2016 from Ciriec, the Jacques Tymen prize 2015 from AES and OVE thesis prize. I earned an HDR (habilitation to supervise research) from the University of Paris Est-Créteil in 2024.
In addition to an extension of my previous works in economics of education, my current research focuses, on the first hand, on issues related to social inequalities in student’s trajectories and, on the second hand, on the determinants and the articulation of individual trajectories. Moreover, a recent strand of my research also examines the determinants of people’s behaviour in transport choices.
Since 2022, I have been appointed to a research Chair COVID-19 and Education funded by the Île-de-France region. I am also co-investigator of the LINEup (longitudinal data for inequalities in education) project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme.
I also serve as an academic editor at PLOS ONE.
Contact: leonard.moulin[at]ined.fr